01295 690721

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Driving instructions to:

Ray Randerson Carpets Ltd
Oxbow Farm
Avon Dassett,
CV47 2AQ
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1295 690721
07860 472271 (Out Of Hours)

Avon Dassett lies between the B4100 and the A423, 5 miles south of Gaydon (M40 junction 12 ) and 8 miles north of Banbury (M40 junction 11).

From Gaydon, follow the B4100 south for 4 miles and turn left at the junction to Avon Dassett. Follow the road over the motorway until you come to a sharp left hand bend just as you enter the village. Turn right here with the playing field to your right and continue for half a mile. Oxbow Farm is on your right down a straight, tree lined avenue.

From Banbury, follow the A423 north, signposted Southam. After 3 ½ miles, turn left to Farnborough and follow the road downhill with Farnborough Hall to your left. Stay on this road for a mile or so – as the road bears round to the right at the end of a long straight, Oxbow Farm lies to your left down a straight, tree lined avenue.

See Google map

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Ray Randerson Carpets Ltd. Oxbow Farm, Avon Dasset, Oxbow Farm, Warwickshire CV47 2AQ 01295 690721 sales@rayranderson.co.uk

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